Sunday, February 8, 2009

Suicides- OIF and OEF Veterans

As stated in our two year reflection Our Fallen Soldier has expanded our mission to include the other tragedies of current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will seek and pursue any assitance we can offer to all OIF/OEF Veterans.

We were thankful to see that the main stream media has begun to report the alarming increase in suicides committed by warriors returning from mid-east wars.

Attributed to post traumatic stress disorders, and particularly to the strain caused by multiple deployment's and separation anxiety 128 suicides with 15 deaths under investigation have occcured. Two thirds of these men and women had served in the middle east.

What is alarming is that in January 2009, 29 suicides were reported. This exceeds the casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan for the month.

Our organization has become involved with the Wounded Warrior Battalion West. Soon we will have the honor of meeting and assisting recovering soldiers at Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Assistance programs have been placed for military use-
We commend our military for these efforts.

A veteran's experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan are unimaginable, and returning home isn't always easy. As a family member or friend of a veteran, you have the power to help, but knowing where to start can be difficult. Please refer to another website for tips, and stories

I'll add information as it is received. God Bless JC

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